Study the current exam system YKS 2021 (Higher Education Institutions Exam). In this application, you can find TYT (Basic Proficiency Test) and AYT (Field Proficiency Test) grades. You can access all contents without internet.There are notes of the following courses in the application.Tyt MathAyt MathematicsTyt GeometryAyt GeometryTyt in TurkishAyt in TurkishTyt PhysicsAyt PhysicsTyt ChemistryAyt ChemistryTyt BiologyAyt BiologyTyt GeographyAyt GeographyTyt HistoryAyt HistoryAyt LiteratureThe app offers you not only notes, but also useful tools for the exam.ÖSYM> YGS-LYS-TYT-AYT Quit Question Solving Area (True, false indication feature and net account)Included questions are:YGS 2017-2010LYS 2017-2010TYT 2018AYT 2018(Depending on the interest in the application in the future, an original question bank can be created.) YKS Counter (TYT Counter, AYT Counter. Yks countdown has been updated to 2021.)YKS Point CalculationRandom FormulasCreating a CurriculumNight Mode and more ...You can contribute to the development of the application by sending your requests and suggestions about the application from the communication tab. The level of interest in the application will directly contribute to the development of the application.